LivingEigo with Songs (ぼくはきみ、きみはぼく)へのLOVE!❤️

Peek-a-Boo Series on リンクはここ!地道にミッツとイラストレーターのJUNKOが商品化してみたいくつかの本を広めています。今日もとても嬉しいインスタへのポスト!今後もよろしくおねがします!

Some good news! A friend declared recently how she absolutely loved “I Am Me” (Japanese original title “Boku wa Kimi, Kimi wa Boku”) and even left a great review for us in your instagram! 



I am Me:ぼくはきみ、きみはぼく

(Love Life Series 1)

Peek-a-Boo, I See You (Sing a Picturebook series 1) and
Peek-a-Boo, I See You; JOURNAL (Pink and Blue)

Living Eigo with Songs/ Puchi Lesson!

It has been too many years since my last post. Many things have happened and many things have not happened…

One thing that has happened is… I have started to teach English through ukulele playing!

It is great for beginner English speakers who also love music! People who enjoy music often have very good hearing!

It is a fun way to get a headstart on your listening skills. I hope to introduce mini (puchi) lessons here on my blog posts.

You can catch me on Instagram and YouTube as well! I am not a great musician…. but I love music, so I am having fun.

My students seem to have fun as well! No more shying away from starting … a little at a time is better than zero!


New Friends

Does music bring people together?

I say, “YES!” うん!

Today I made a new friend at “8Dri” ( a local share space for local vendors and businesses (where I also happen to teach my LivingEigo with Songs classes!) When I went to get a Bánh mì sandwich from Mr. Hayakawa, today’s vendor, I connected with Yuko, a fellow music lover and Okinawan sanshin (3 stringed banjo-like instrument) player.

She was delighted that I played the ukulele. We played together for a couple of hours, taking turns playing our instruments and singing … a fun afternoon, indeed.


A LONG Small Donation


The day to cut my 2-year-long hair has finally come! My locks (hair) had grown to my “BEHIND” (another way to say buttocks, butt, okolele). I could have passed for quite the hula dancer! 


It had been a long 2 years since deciding to donate my hair to a wig-making charity. I was getting many compliments and was actually growing quite fond of having long hair, even though it was getting harder and harder to keep clean! When the moment came to snip, snip (!) however … the transformation was instant!







 I have been learning French with a private teacher now, for about the same amount of time, 2 years. I still struggle to make conversation with my teacher and often feel that I have not improved at all. I had been telling myself that simply continuing was better than quitting!


But, YESTERDAY!  I took a little FRENCH quiz for fun and was SHOCKED and DELIGHTED that I knew MUCH more that I thought! I had been IMPROVING and getting BETTER without feeling the GROWTH. Isn’t this how life often works?


We ARE growing… we just don’t feel it everyday. That makes sense! C’est vrai!


Yay for having gotten better at French! Yay for waiting long enough to make a decent hair donation!

素敵な職人さんの手にかかりますように。I hope a great wig craftsperson can create a beautiful wig for someone! 

LivingEigo Announcements!

New Classes, A New Start!!

Sing, Sing a Song!  Hello! Here is a video of me playing "Sing," one of the first songs I learned on my ukulele about 5 years ago! I started a community group teaching English SINGING to members of my community! My first class was today. I had so much fun! I hope my...

今日 “” が誕生!

(キャプション機能をONしますと字幕が出ます!) Add life to your English Learning! 誕生日、おめでとう! 今日 が誕生します! Eigo との暮らしを楽しく、アクセスしやすく、より身近にする、アナタのためのサイトです! 日本が大好き、英語も大好きなミッツ(アンティーミッツ)がナビゲートいたします! サイトの内容は、 (無料)このブログ:身の回りの光景をEigoラーニングの角度から紹介する (無料)16年以上の英語指導の経験で気づいた...


Delightful Resource! Online Stories Series

I found such a delightful YouTube site! The storytellers are brilliant, talented and colorful! It will help you on your journey of feeling the language known as English! Enjoy!


A Rainbow of Colors An original song by Auntie Mitz A Rainbow of Colors Red, I like the color red, Blue, I know you like it, too! Purple and Green And all the colors in between, A rainbow of colors for you! Pink, I like the color pink, Yellow, I nice color, you know!...

the “DR” story

the "DR" story Hello, I'm back! Did you enjoy your Halloween! こんにちは!ご無沙汰しています。楽しいハロウィーンを過ごしましたか? Today, I have a video talking about words with "dr". ”DR”の発音についてのビデオを作って忌みました。 AND....I am going to talk about a "different" way to understand English pronunciation,...

Outside, Together (An original song!)

Outside, Together! (A weather song) Hi Everyone! Here is my very first original song to be released on the internet! Feel the sunshine Feel the rain Feel the wind upon my face I like to dance I like to twirl outside Together What Weather do you like? What Weather do...

The “R” Story, with Chocolate!

新しい発音ビデオです!楽しんで下さい! Here is a new pronunciation video!  Enjoy!

The “L” Story (with marshmallows)

Hello! Thank you for waiting for my newest blog! こんにちは!最新のブログ、お待たせしました! Time sure flies by quickly! 時間があっという間にすぎてしまいますね。 The Cherry Blossoms in the park outsideare in FULL BLOOM! COOL! 近くの公園の桜はもう満開!(昨日はクリスマスだったのに!ヒィヒィ!) 今日の話は"L"の発音の話です すぐにはできなくても、舌の筋肉の体操だ...

Mele Kalikimaka!

Mele Kalikimaka!! 最近、茅ヶ崎市がホノルルとの姉妹市になったと聞きました!やったね! I recently heard that Honolulu and Chigasaki City are now sister cities!! ハワイ出身で茅ヶ崎市に住んでいる住民が少ないに違いない! There can't be too many Chigasaki citizens whose hometown is also Honolulu!!! これからいっぱいイベントを企画しなきゃ! I have to plan...

Sa, “Si”, Su, Se, So– The “S” Storysdz

発音ビデオ第2段 高1の息子の英語を手伝っていたら、 ”言える”けど”言わない”「Sィ」の単語たくさんありました! なぜ言わないかと言うと、 「くせ」だけです! 日本語の50音の流れ的に行けば、 sa,si,su,se,so は:sa,"shi", su, se, so になっているだけだから’さ’の口、舌を’い’に入れ替えれば、言えるはず!...

Tha, Thi, Thu, Thay, Thank You! 発音特集

もう11月の中旬 It's already the middle of November! 早い! How time flies!! 発音のワンポイントです!練習してみて下さい! 発音の練習で舌の筋肉と 耳を鍛えます! リスニングが苦手な人は、細かい”音”を聞き分けることが...

A Halloween Song for Kids!

Here is a simple Halloween song about Jack O' Lanterns Sing it with kids! Have fun!!

My Story & Teaching Eigo

A LONG Small Donation

2年間、お尻まで伸ばした髪を切る日がついにやってきました! The day to cut my 2-year-long hair has finally come! My locks (hair) had grown to my "BEHIND" (another way to say buttocks, butt, okolele). I could have passed for quite the hula dancer! ...

Back to the Past (タイムスリップ)

My husband came back from his business trip to the States, and brought this tiny box of raisins! ...... Whoa! (I hadn't seen this little snackage in over 30 years maybe! It whooshed me right back to .... elementary school in Hawaii!   Time travel?! Okay, maybe not...

One small step!!

The First Step!! 第一歩 !!I cannot believe that after 2 years, the "book" is finally out! In 2019, I met an illustrator who (after hearing my idea on creating songs for young parents) told me that she would LOVE to help me make picture books for my songs!...

The Road to Independence

This has nothing to do with English learning... Today, I went to Kamakura for an appointment. The station was really crowded.At peak tourist season (with a festival taking place on the Kamakura shores,) crowds of people were walking steadily towards a narrow...

Words, Words, Words!

What does it take to learn a new word?  I just worked with one of my Junior High School private students. She has been learning English at school now for 1 and a half years, 3-4  hours a week. She still cannot converse in simple sentences like, "I like pizza with tuna...