2022-2023 年度
KidsOne English
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
KidsOne Eigo のアンティーミッツです!
JIngle Bells, Learn It!
Jingle Bells, Learn it FASTER!
Jingle Bells, SING IT!!
Peek – a – Boo, I See You!
“Sing-a-Picturebook” Series
by Mitsue Mikawa and Junko N.
"Sing-A-Picture Book" Series
Sing-A-Picture Book Series
Book 1
Peek-A-Boo, I See You!
Illustrations by Junko
Song by Mitz
(English below)
"Peek-a-Boo, I See You"「いないないバァ!」ある2歳の女の子はママと一緒に笑ったり、泣いたり、一日の中でたくさんの感情を共にする。人には表現が色々。楽しくても、悲しくても、どの表情は「その子」であり、本当の姿をちゃんと見えてる(I see you)ママの話を英語の歌にした可愛らしいタッチの絵本です。
クラフト技術者・イラストレーター Junko とEFL講師歴20年以上のホノルル出身シンガー・ソングライター Mitsue Mikawa によるオリジナル曲とのコラボで "Sing-a-Picture Book" 「絵本を歌う」シリーズが生まれした。可愛らしい絵と覚えやすい英語の歌を絵本にして、CDやネーティブスピーカーなどに頼らず、赤ちゃんと自ら歌って、読んで、見せることができます。英語が苦手なママ、パパでも、オンラインサポートベージの指導ビデオなどで楽しくお子様とシェアすることが可能になる。大事なコミュニケーションタイムを得ると同時に、親も子も英語に触れ合う第一歩になる。心温まる可愛らしい絵本で、新しい英語との触れ合いをスタートしてみませんか?
-- ワークショップ参加者、 2歳の女の子のお母さん
"Peek-a-Boo, I See You" shows an energetic toddler with Mommy-- laughing, crying, etc in different moods throughout their days. Mommy reassures her toddler that "It's okay to laugh, cry, or even say I don't know why...." It's okay because she can see INSIDE of her child, beyond emotions. A simple song of acceptance that gently reminds both parent and child that our inner natures remain steady and loving through the ups and downs of daily life.
The "Sing-a-Picturebook" series was created in collaboration with quilling and craft master/ illustrator, Junko and Honolulu-raised EFL instructor and singer/songwriter, Mitsue Mikawa. They developed the series in hopes of offering a fun and easy way for parents (who may not be familiar with English themselves) to naturally and joyfully integrate a second or third language into the family. Each book in this "Sing a Picture Book" series comes with a link to a downloadable digital recording, music score, and online videos tutorials."Peek-a-Boo, I See You " is perfect for new parents/ grandparents and makes a great gift for baby showers!
"I only know Japanese, but I'm delighted that I was able to sing and read this book in English to my daughter myself!"
-- Mother of a 2-year-old, workshop participant
Peek-A-Boo, I See You!
Journal (日記帳)
Amazon.co.jp/ Amazon.co.uk , Amazon.com/ etc!
「絵本を歌う」シリーズの絵本、"Peek-a-Boo, I See You"と共に使える子育てノート。この120 ページ線入りノートは、(W 6in x H 9 in、W 15.24 cm x H 22.86 cm) 我が子の嬉しかったこと、悲しかったこと、ビックリしたことなどをまとめて、心を込めて書けます。子育て時代の素敵な記念になり、お子様が大きくなった時の素敵な「成人」プレゼントにもなります。イラストレーターJunkoが描いた”Peek-a-Boo, I See You" の可愛いキャラクターたちがページをめくるたびに、楽しませてくれる日記帳です。新ママ・パパなどに素敵なお祝いにもなる!
"Peek-a-Boo, I See You"の詳細はこちらで:https://www.livingeigo.com/books-songs/
An adorable lined 120-page (w 6" x h 9"; w 15.24 cm x h 22.86 cm) notebook to use in conjunction with our "Sing-a-Picture-Book" Series picture book, "Peek-a-Boo, I See You" or to simply use alone to keep track of special life experiences of/ with your children. Enjoy the various characters from the picture book scattered throughout the pages. Record moments of laughter, sadness, of surprise all in one book as a heartfelt memoir of what you "SEE" in your child during the precious years with him or her. Enjoy turning each page with the cute characters that pop up here and there from "Peek-a- Boo, I See You" by Illustrator Junko. This special journal dedicated to your child would make the perfect gift when they are all grown up!
Sing-A-Picture Book Series
Book 2 (Coming Soon!)
It's Time to Wake Up!
Illustrations by Junko
Song by Mitz
"LOVE LIFE" Picture Books Series
LOVE LIFE Picture Books for ALL
Book 1
Boku wa Kimi, Kimi wa Boku
Story and Illustrations by Junko
Song by Mitz Performed by Sunny Smiles
辛い時に「一人じゃないよ!大丈夫!」と思い出させてくれる、子供から大人まで楽しめる絵本です。元気でパワフルな「ぼく」とちょっと気難しい「きみ」の話を可愛く描いたのは作家、イラストレーターJunko N. 彼女の経験から生まれた心温まる作品です。絵本をテーマにしたオリジナルソング(2カ国語)もオンラインで楽しめます。(作曲/英会話講師・シンガーソングライターMitsue Mikawa)
A powerful and energetic "Me" and a timid "You" ponder what the other would and could do in varying situations of hurt and hardships. Written from author and illustrator Junko N.'s personal experience, ”Boku wa Kimi, Kimi wa Boku" (trans: "I am Me") reminds us how we are naturally equipped with all we need to make it through our days. Enjoy this book and downloadable original songs (in both Japanese and English) online. (Song by English instructor/ singer-songwriter, Mitsue Mikawa)
You can view the digitally animated/ narrated performance of "Boku wa Kimi, Kimi wa Boku"; Story and song by the Chigasaki-based Kamishibai (picture theatre) group, "Witch" on their support page website.